Resource Description Framework (RDF) is an open standard by W3C for describing concepts and resources digitally with semantic meaning. The SPARQL standard is syntax and protocol for making querying and manipulating datasets in RDF format. The standard is comprehensive and includes everything from searching, updating, exporting and maintaining RDF datasets and can be compared with the SQL standard for relational databases. With the difference that SPARQL is applied to datasets with triplets pattern – subject, predicate, object and has a semantic meaning. The guide is based on the previously presented knowledge graph with artists and paintings.
Continue reading “RDF elementary guide part 3: SPARQL querying knowledge graphs and datasets with semantic meaning”RDF elementary guide part 2: Creating Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs with RDF-Schema
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is an open standard by W3C to describe concepts and resources digitally with semantic meaning. Data described in RDF format can be exchanged and reused with retained conceptual understanding of concepts between businesses, industries and countries. This is the second article in a series that introduce the basics of describing digital resources with semantic meaning. The model in the article interlink resource descriptions from Wikidata (Wikipedia) to relate to equivalent concepts to create context. The previous article describe how classes and properties are defined with RDF-Schema (RDFS).
Continue reading “RDF elementary guide part 2: Creating Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs with RDF-Schema”RDF elementary guide part 1: Class and property definition in RDF-Schema
Resource Description Framework (RDF) is an open standard of the W3C to describe digital resources with semantic meaning. Data described in RDF format can be exchanged and reused while maintaining a conceptual understanding of resources between businesses, industries and countries. This is the first article in a series of guides to get started describing data with semantic meaning. The first article describes how concepts with associated attributes are defined with RDF-Schema.
Continue reading “RDF elementary guide part 1: Class and property definition in RDF-Schema”State-of-art of linked data and semantic web

Resource description framework (RDF) is a technical framework for data exchange and interpretation of concepts published on the Web. This used to be called the semantic web, which never became a reality. Now, almost 20 years after its launch, interest seems to be on the rise to address some of the issues that the digitalised society faces.
Continue reading “State-of-art of linked data and semantic web”