About Clear Byte


Clear Byte is a non governmental organisation working with applied research. The organisation has been registered as a NGO in Västra Götaland Sweden since 2011.

All content on Clear Byte website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License if nothing is stated otherwise.

Core values

Our core principles are based on collaboration, participation and openness to promote democratisation and trust in society’s ability to deliver added value and digital services associated to digital transformation and development. As a civil society actor, we believe that social entrepreneurship is important to enable an ecosystem perspective that includes all parts – not just the private and public sector, to create participation and openness to digital transformation and development of the society.

Our core principles are based on collaboration, participation and openness to promote democratisation and trust in society’s ability to create increased added value for citizens and end users linked to digital development. We believe that social entrepreneurship and civil society participation in welfare is important to enable an ecosystem perspective that includes all parts – not just the private and public sector, to create inclusive and collaborative digital development.

Focus areas

Clear Byte offers expert knowledge in certain focus areas, contact us at info[at] clearbyte.org if you have proposals for collaborative projects.

In addition to knowledge and experience of mechanisms and principles that drive digital transformation and development, Clear Byte offers expert knowledge in certain focus areas. Contact us at info[at]clearbyte.org if you are interested in strategic collaboration and partnership or have proposals for cooperation projects.

Integrated digital public services

The EU program for interoperability ISA² – defines integrated digital public services as the ability to seamlessly exchange data and execution of services that form the building blocks for important digital public services. In order to enable such services dataset must be able to be inter-exchanged horizontally between social and private sectors without the need of integration to interpret concept and digital resources for both man and machine. This is defined as semantic interoperability when data representing structures, rules, logic, temporal and geographic concepts can be interpreted and reused without integration across business domain and national boundaries. Organisational interoperability refers to the ability to harmonise digital description of service- level, quality, delivery without the need of adapting organisational processes, structures and routines between producer and consumer of service.

Initially, Clear Byte focuses on the layers of semantic and organizational interoperability to identify barriers and important design principles for developing integrated digital public services.

Image 1: Interoperability levels for integrated digital public services – EU program for interoperability ISA²

Open source, standards, data and innovation

Open technology and innovation are key to the success of developing digital public services. This is to create participation and opportunities to collaborate with more types of actors who can contribute to a vision of sustainable digital development and to innovate and find solutions to existing and future social problems. Large tech companies, platform owners, and startups use open technology and innovation as a central mechanism to enable the digital paradigm shift. For example, the lion’s share of the services offered on Amazon’s Web Services are built on open source, which is made available via unified digital infrastructure such as software components, storage capacity and computing power depending on user demans Clear Byte has conducted study in the transport sector on how open data – which is based on principles from open source and standards, contributes to added value for players and third-party developers. Results also show that interoperable digital resources based on open technology and standards create the conditions for the exchange of data and information. You will find several articles about open source and open data on our website.

Last Updated on 2023-04-10