To understand how crowdsourcing can bira to sustainable development in the democratic process, we must first understand the meaning of the concept crowdsourcing. Many have heard of crowdfounding as it appeared in the media some later time. Crowdfounding is part of crowdsourcing, which is a broader concept and includes several other categories. What you mean with crowdsourcing is that it is a model for distributed problem and production solution that is almost entirely on-line. Daren C defined the modern definition of the term.

Crowdsourcing involves a network of users that are working together to solve a problem or perform an action. One of the most important components in crowdsourcing is that all participants get a mutual benefit of participating in the activity. The satisfaction of getting involved with his knowledge and experience which is usually not justified by monetary means but it wont be for social contact, intellectual stimulation, personal interest, recognition, and more.
Clear Byte works to bringing together the components of crowdsourcing and citizen dialogue, where the citizen creates the content and collaborate together. There are many examples where you create a digital forum in the hope that people will spend time and contribute with knowledge without receiving something for their sacrifice. There are also many websites with with low usability and poor scalability, which makes many give before they get started. The demands we make on our services is to provide experience and interactivity for users. The services must not exclude users access to specific technological platforms as smartphones and tablets. They must be usable by standard web browsers a swell as we offer specific interface designed for users with smartphone and tablet devices.
Through good design and interactivity can Clear Byte building digital forums that contribute to sustainability and entice citizens to use the service YouBongo that rewards and motivates frequent users.
PS. Note that the debate about crowdsourcing for monetary and commercial drawing on other motivators than that of non-profit and volunteer-based work.