We are excited to finally introduce a cloud service for observations. YouBongo is a service to store, share and collaborate on observations we make on a daily basis, as a hobby or to inform others. As a user, you can contribute with information to others’ observations that you think are important, to rank them higher within the relevant geographical area. YouBongo is integrated with social media (Twitter, Facebook and Google+) to raise awareness for observations in other forums. The service does not have a like button or similar, it requires a bit more from the user to comment and contribute with valuable information to the observations.

YouBongo has a geographic search engine that enables precise searches within a specific geographic area. The user searches within a certain radius, and can filter on categories that he / she thinks is interesting. You Bongo will soon connect to public databases (i.e. open data) with government and community information to increase the usability of the service. YouBongo is a developable platform that will be expanded with functionality that we think is interesting from a social development and technological perspective. Please contact us if you have any suggestions on interesting areas for further development (info@clearbyte.org). Some date is recorded over central Gothenburg in Sweden if you want to try to search for observations.

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